Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Few Quick Facts About Mold

Something that a lot of people don’t know about mold is that it is everywhere we are. It’s hard to escape mold entirely, because it’s in the air we breathe. It is a form of fungi that grows all around the world and there are countless species of it that can be almost any color you can think of. A lot of them are harmless, but the ones that aren’t, such as toxic black mold, are the ones that most people are concerned about growing in their homes. Along with being unsightly, it can cause many health complications, especially if someone living or working in the affected area is allergic to it.

How does it get into your building? It usually comes from outdoors, either due to water leaking into the house from outside or because the humidity in a home is too high. Areas with water damage such as roofs, flooded areas, crawl spaces, and plumbing leaks are often sites for mold infections.

Why should you worry about it? Aside from the health complications that some molds can cause, it has been known to grow on furniture, clothing stuffed into the backs of closets, and even children’s toys. All these items need to be cleaned thoroughly and sterilized before being used again, if they’re used again at all. Some items like clothing are easier to throw away than they are to clean. The structural damage that mold can cause to your home overtime can be substantial and as soon as you discover a mold infestation, it’s best to either call in a professional to get rid of it or, if it’s a smaller infection, remove the mold and clean the area yourself using the different testing and cleaning kits that are available on the market today.

Who should worry about mold the most? The people who are most affected by mold in their homes or places of business are infants and small children, the elderly, people with respiratory conditions such as asthma or emphysema, anyone with a weakened immune system, such as people with HIV or AIDS, chemotherapy patients, anyone who has just had surgery, and pregnant women.

How do you prevent mold? The easiest way to prevent mold is to make sure your home is a cool and dry environment. Bathrooms and kitchens should be paid special attention to. Clean up spills and leaking water quickly and do not allow standing water in any part of your home, even the basement, because the infestation can and will spread to other areas of your home. Do your best to direct heat and moisture from clothes dryers, dish washers, stoves, and bathrooms outside your home with the appropriate fans and vents.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New York water damage restoration contractors and other states and cities such as
Connecticut mold remediation and water damage restoration companies across the united states.